Join Our Leadership Council
Throughout the year there are several opportunities to mentor young people and host fundraisers, participate in programming, as well as participate in our health fair, committees and our KidsFest event.
For $1 a day ($365 annual membership), you can be an exclusive member of our Leadership Council. You will receive special invitations to Foundation for Second Chances events, volunteer opportunities and our Unplugged speaker series. Most important, your entire $365 donation is tax-deductible and every penny goes out the door to help struggling youth and communities right here in Los Angeles.
You will receive invitations and special pricing for Foundation for Second Chances events. You will also join your fellow Angelenos at the Leadership Council gatherings and signature events such as our annual Diamonds and Denims Leadership Brunch, Casino Night and a series of intimate house gatherings for networking.
You will learn more about the good work you are making possible through FFSC’s Unplugged series hosted at Foundation for Second Chances offices in Los Angeles.
You will meet our staff, volunteers, funders, partners and help serve Angelenos and communities in need.
You will be included in our annual report of Foundation for Second Chances most generous supporters.
Are you a Leader? Join us!
To inquire about getting involved at the Leadership Council level, please email our Executive Director, Melissa Wyatt at
Join Our Committees
Our Committee members are a group of energetic young professionals that have an interest in making sure that Foundation for Second Chances is reaching its mission and vision alongside FFSC’s Board of Directors.
FFSC’s Current Committees:
Communications Committee
The goal of the Communications Committee is to increase FFSC’s visibility in the community and in the business and public sectors, giving special focus to attracting potential corporate/business and community partners and private donors.
Programs Committee
The Programs Committee will help to oversee and define all of FFSC’s programs. The committee will help to develop (new and old) programs, evaluations and look at strategic partnerships. The Programs committee will also make sure that our programs are aligned using best practice policies that are standard.
Fundraising and Development Committee
The Fundraising and Development Committee will oversee the development and implementation of FFSC’s Fundraising Plan. The Fundraising Committee works year-round to form and maintain relationships with various organizations and businesses inside and outside our communities. The goal of the Fundraising Committee is to raise funds for the ongoing programs, services and expenses of FFSC.
Special Events Committee
The Special Events Committee devises, plans and executes three (3) FFSC fundraiser events per year. SEC’s primary responsibility is to plan enjoyable and meaningful events that achieve the following: 1) raise funds to support FFSC; 2) cultivate relationships with current and potential corporate partners and private donors to ensure continued partnership and giving; 3) raise public awareness of FFSC and its overall services and needs.
Community Service Committee
The Community Service Committee is responsible for planning and carrying out community service events that engage youth, community, parents and businesses. The Community Service Committee works on finding projects where volunteers help serve their community.
To inquire about getting involved in one of our committees, please email our Volunteer Manager at
View Our Programs and Get Involved!
Providing a Brighter Future Through a Second Chance